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Kamis, 23 April 2009


ruti - agi research
progress report march - may 2005

focus from development lingu for march month up to may prototype transition lingu with java to prototype lingu with hol. this prototype is supposed has caned to do verification from script lingu and then do validation towards database environment actually. for this development, working is divided to be 3 parts that is verification part linguhol, lingu-java engine, and database test generator.

verification linguhol

this part does verification from script lingu by using hol theorem prover. this verification development has been done above engine linux that install hol and mosml.

script lingu that made script based on case study set with 7 critical modules. module:
- answer evaluation function
- identity filter function is not identified (unknown identity filter)
- identity duplication filter function (double identity filter)
- evaluation result answer validity cheque function (safeness check)
- evaluation result justice cheque function (fairness check)
- cheque function completions answer (completeness check)
- nomenclature consistency cheque function (name consistency check)

entire functions on success made as lingu script, complete with spesification and the verification. for example, one of [the] function that success made script lingu- identity filter function unrecognize (unknown). this function is used to mem-filter answer sheet the owner identity is not identified. script-:

val filter_unknown_def = define `filter_unknown (submittab: answerformtable set, mastertab: registrationtable set, unknownaformtab: answerformtable set) (dummy) = let ids = select submittab (\r. r. id) (\r. t) in let okids = select mastertab (\r. r. id) (\r. exists ids (\id. id = r. id) in (delete submittab (\r. exists okids(\t. t = r. id) >> qinsert submittab i (am \r. t) unknownaformtab) `;

so that verification can be done as according to rule hoare logic, so need a set spesification that describe precondition and postcondition supposed from function execution result. entire spesifications from critical module on made. for example spesification from filter unknown on:

val spec_unk = --`spec ((pre: ) unknownaformtab = {}, (script: ) filter_unknown(submittab, mastertab, unknownaformtab) (dummy), (post: ) forall unknownaformtab (\r. " (exists mastertab (\r. r. id = r. id)`--;

after entire spesifications has been defined, verification process then begun by using hol theorem prover. next script verification that used to investigate filter function unknown.

val cert_unk = certify (spec_unk, normalize_tac [i_thm then prove_tac [);

entire script from critical functions on solvable by using this theory. result from this verification although not yet approach case study truthfully but mte can be made measuring rod about prototype ability lingu in do verification from a real case.

this prototype overall development, from verification stage up to validation stage at level database has been made a paper with title “lingusql: a transformation and verification tool for database application” and sent to computer science national seminar and indonesia technology (snikti) year 2005.

lingu-java engine

this module part that on execution lingu from beginning until validation finished on platform java. this module is divided to be 3 that is lingu2java translator, lingu-java interpreter, and lingu front-end.

lingu2java translator
lingu2java translator be a program that change data type definition and class lingu be class in language java. in this time lingu2java translator get data type definition with 2 kinds keyword, that is record and dbase. keyword dbase used to define a database, tables name containing in database and table type concerned. while to define table in database used keyword record, column names containing and the type. in this time there's only 3 column types, that is integer for round number, string for sentence, and date for date information. each table definition and database will translated to be a class in language java, where class has field as according to the definition in lingu (column names to record, and table names to dbase), along with method accessor and mutator.

to class that defined in lingu (marked with keyword class) will translated to be a class in language java with parameter from constructor parameter from class in lingu. this parameter also made field from class, next a field addition, that is dbmanager, a class that used by lingu2java translator to translate database operation in lingu be database operation truthfully with sql use connection jdbc that determined. in this time database operation in lingu that translatable new operation insertall and delete, while another database operation soon will follow after troubleshoot local variable with in-place type definition be solved.

java-lingu interpreter
java-lingu interpreter be a program that execute validation script from a script lingu along with scenario exist in depth. java-lingu interpreter make use output from lingu2java translator shaped class in language java to execute method that called in a validation script. interpreter this also can do simple database operation like to look for in a what found data such as those which desirable by user, in lingu expressed with keyword find.

lingu frontend
lingu frontend a program that make possible somebody to execute a script lingu along with scenario existing mendalamnya pass a interface based on gui. interface that used able display everything validation script that executed next output the execution result. lingu frontend self make use java-lingu interpreter to execute script lingu desirable by user.

database test generator

insides database module development test this generator is found several important stages that is:
1. election dbms (database management system) that up to standard.
2. connection maker and functions basis for manipulate data.
3. maker a function to fill database with datas dummy randomly.
4. arrangement script validation from program lingu.

in this time this module working process come up with task to four that is maker script validation.

follow to be example from script validation. example script this is good for memvalidasi one of [the] sub module from set(student entrance test) that is sub module checkunknown. sub module checkunknown good for check to what found answer sheet with id not registered.

script this validation is written by using language java. mendalamnya found two important functions that is: initialization, insert, and testing. initialization function good for make connection to data base and take datas that need from data base. function insert good for add data, while function testing good for do valdasi.

import java. sql. ; import java. filch. vector; class val_unknown { / constructor, initialization stage public val_unknown (string host, int port, string db, string sch, string user, string passwd) { / initialization object dbgenerator gene = new dbgenerator(host, port, db, sch, user, passwd); f_register = gene. getfields(db, sch, " register" ); f_answer = gene. getfields(db, sch, " answer" ); } public void insert_register(string id){ string sql =" " ; / create sql u/ fill data try { int aa = gene. mg. insert(sql); } catch (sqlexception sqle) { system. out. println(" fail to put into data" ); } } public void testing(){ vector id_answer = new vector(); vector id_register = new vector(); vector unknown = new vector(); boolean flag = true; / take field id from table answer => ids string query =" select id from answer" ; try { resultset rsanswer = gene. mg. select(query); while(rsanswer. next() id_answer. add(rsanswer. getobject(1); } catch (sqlexception sqle) { } / take field id from table register yg id- appropriate / dgn id answer => oids query =" select id from register where answer. id = register. id" ; try { resultset rsregister = gene. mg. select(query); while(rsregister. next() { id_register. add(rsregister. getobject(1); } } catch (sqlexception sqle) { } / delete from ids ids. id = oids. id for(int ii=0; ii

chapter iv programming concept berorientasi object

to get of best of programming java, must understand well concept
programming berorientasi object, because java be language programming
berorientasi object. in part this be discussed important concepts in
programming berorientasi object, so that supposed we more easy in
study language java.



in base it all thing there at world real can be assumed.
as a object. if look at more advanced, in base it there two
prima facie characteristics in a object, that is:

every object has attribute as status then
called as state.
every object has behavior will sold out then be called
as behaviour.
the simple example: bike object
has attribute (state): pedal, wheel, bar, and colour.

has behavior sold out (behaviour): ascending the speed,
the speed decreaseds, and bike tooth transfer.
in development ware soft berorientasi object, object
in ware soft will keep state- in variable and
keep behaviour information (behaviour) in method or

class differ with object. class be prototype
define variables and method according to general.
while object in other side is instansiasi from a class.
practice 10. class. java
class book {
string writer;
string title;
void isi(string isi1, string isi2) {
title = isi1;
writer = isi2;

void cetakkelayar() {
if(judul==null & pengarang==null) return;
system. out. println(" title: " + title +
" , writer: " + writer);

class essay {
public static void main(string[ args) {
book a, b, c, d;
a = b = c = d = new buku();
a. isi(" programming java" , " asep herman suyanto" );
a. cetakkelayar();
b. isi(null, null);
b. cetakkelayar();
c. isi(null, " champion prasetyo hendriyanto" );
c. cetakkelayar();
d. isi(" web programming" , null);
d. cetakkelayar();

in a object that contain variables and method-
method, can be determined right access in a variable or method from
object. variable enfolding and method in a object in part
protected here's called with enkapsulasi. so, enkapsulasi
can be interpretted as parcel (wrapper) patron program and data
being cultivated. this wrapper defines behaviour and protect
program and data being cultivated so that not being accessinged just any by
program other.


benefit from process enkapsulasi:
source code from a object can be managed independently from
other object source code.

information hiding
because we can determine access right a variable/method from
object, with such we can hide information
unnecessary known object other.

class can be defined with reference in class other
definition. inheritance be inheritance attribute and method in
a class got from class definition. every
subclass will inherit state (variables) and behaviour (method-
method) from superclass-. subclass then can add state
and behaviour new specific and can also modify (override)
state and behaviour that demoted by superclass-.

profit from inheritance:
subclass prepare state/behaviour specific
distinguish it with superclass, this matter will make
programmer java to use repeat source code from
superclass that there.

programmer java can define superclass special
has generik, called abstract class, to define
class with behaviour and state in general.

term in inheritance necessary payed:

keyword this must we add in definition class be

superclass used to show hierarchy class mean
class base from subclass/class child.
subclass class child or descendant according to hierarchy from superclass.


keyword this is used to call engine-builder from superclass
or be variable that threaten in superclass.
methode overriding
pendefinisian repeat method same in subclass.

in inheritance, method overriding differ with method
overloading. if method overriding define return
method same, good name method also signature or parameter
need in subclass, if method overloading define
method that has name same, but with signature different
in definition class same.
practice 11. inheritance. java
class a {
int x;
int y;
void tampilkannilaixy() {
system. out. println(" value x: " + x +" , y: " + y);

class b extends a {
int z;
void tampilkanjumlah() {
/subclass can accessing member from superclass
system. out. println(" total: " + (x+y+z);

class inheritance {
public static void main(string[ args) {
a varsuperob = new a();
b varsubob = new b();
system. out. println(" superclass" );
varsuperob. x = 10;
varsuperob. y = 20;
varsuperob. tampilkannilaixy();


system. out. println(" subclass" );
/member superclass can be accessinged from subclass he
varsubob. x = 5;
varsubob. y = 4;
varsubob. tampilkannilaixy();

system. out. println(" subclass total" );
/member addition there's only in subclass
varsubob. z = 30;
varsubob. tampilkanjumlah();

system. out. println(" subclass" );
varsubob. x = 15;
varsubob. y = 14;
varsubob. tampilkannilaixy();

system. out. println(" superclass" );
varsuperob. x = 10;
varsuperob. y = 20;
/super. x = 100; error
/super. y = 200; error
varsuperob. tampilkannilaixy();

system. out. println(" subclass total" );
varsubob. z = 60;
varsubob. tampilkanjumlah();

Rabu, 22 April 2009

display file that hit virus

many virus scattered to pass media2 storages, flashdisk for example, majority person glaring the savage flashdisk without tau whats there virus ato not in it (hahaha. . . base savage, sometimes i am like that also sih, hehee)
one of [the] manner prevents virus enters with prevent the happening of virus execution by mendisable autoplay in computer/laptop,
because virus usually walk ato excecution moment process autoplay walk.
may be many articles that like this, but, many, hehehe. . .

first manner, open computer masing2
first click start,
then run,
trus type gpedit. msc
step into user configuration and computer configuration trus administrative templates, system, turn off autoplay, choose enable and choose all drive, and ok. . .

second manner, that is pass registry
click start,
then run,
type regedit
step into hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\explorer
and hkey_user\. default\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\explorer
click double nodrivetypeautorun change value data mennjadi ff

ato if second manner on assumed difficult, the easy manner when flashdisk mencolok, press shift rather long, so there will be no process autoplay will walk,

one step we have done,
try if open folder don't use double click, because exactly there virus will execute self,
so the alternative use folder tree (and remember, don't sekali2 do to click double)
furthermore you can scan use antivirus (for that antivirus)

klo ga has antivirus? don't worry, calm. . .
many roads aims rome, many manners prevents virus. . .
antivirus update even also may be can not handle, need experience and erudition.
because that virus is usually correlatings atribute hidden, ato may be super hidden so beginning step that must be done that is see file2 hidden.
click tools, folder options, view,
then doodle show hidden files and folders.
if folder menu options there is no (lost karna virus), the alternative that is install application winrar ato what aja application that can file extract, here i examplize to wear winrar, with wear winrar, all files certain be seen. . .
can also wear cmd if you capable, with type attrib -r -s -h in removable drive you, sign (-) mean to wipe off attribute (r) read only (s) system (h) hidden

if gpedit. msc you vb4, so also with regedit, ato may be cmd also vb4 because virus, task manager losts. you can wear software tune up utilities. . . the function enough complete,

now we are tough flashdisk we, if there strange file, don't worry to destroy him. . . certain tau kan contents flashdisk you (except for minjem has temen, hehee)
there two manners that done virus maker in virus distribution,
first with make use user neglect, so necessary guarded if there file that correlating icon word, jpg, or another but berekstensi. exe or . scr therefore camouflage file.
second with make use windows facilities that is autorun. inf
function autorun. inf this make easy denominating a program automatically.

if virus wear manner autoplay, so be seen file autorun. inf
so there two files there even many, one the virus (stills raw) and one again file to run it that is autorun. inf (but not all autorun. inf that virus)
that file contents command to run the virus, you can open the file contents if want, with the virus note must be wiped off beforehand so that not excecution moment open autorun. inf he.
please see, the file contents perintah2 virus file name containing to executed when process autoplay.
i often find usually pagefile. pif and recycler and file2. exe strange another. so if you find it, don't worry to wipe off file, round up your determination, huhuhuu. . .
pagefile. pif the original file pagefile. sys present menyystem we, and recycler, recycler may be there is no in flashdisk, therefore also file menyystem we.
so automatic if that virus enters, merubahnya file2 original system we are with file2 depraved they, hahaha. . .

one manner again to prevent, that is by make folder autorun. inf in flashdisk
follow langkah2 next. . .
make folder by the name of autorun. inf
then make one ato several files in it, for example txt, save by the name of up to you with wear hurup unicode, for example hurup stick (clicks start, run, type charmap)
click right folder
doodle entire attributes.
this manner functioneds to avoid file autorun. inf that will come flashdisk, because windows doesn't allow file nomenclature same towards a folder.

may be only segitu tips from me. . .
i don't guarantee your computer frees from virus, because that virus kind is many, and manner overcome it also may be differ. hehee. . .
request is censured and corrected if (there are) any error about the explanation, i also uncle human. . .
hehee. . .

autorun lethal

bottom of form
newest info. . . dictionary program 2.04 just merilis, as complete as it
know bearer autorun. inf
category tips tricks , virus | 13,333 views | 51 comments
may be a large part we have detected to what that autorun. inf, but i am sure stills quite a few not yet know or still less correct realize about file autorun. inf this. this matter is proved stills often we are with person asks about virus autorun. inf, how does manner wipe off it and the others.
this be discussed a little deeper will hit autorun. inf, good that know more know and not yet know to begin a little understand about autorun. inf, good existing structure mendalamnya, benefit, danger and lethal manner autorun. inf.
autorun or autoplay be facilities at operating system that functioned to run file automatically when does media like cd-rom, dvd-rom, flash menyk and another at insert/pair at computer. so that when various media putted into, without we run to whatever, there program that automatic will walk self. fitur this is usually maked use in cd driver that enclosed when buy motherboard / vga. but in this time not mempungkiri even maked use as virus spreader media, especially pass flashdisk. even less with use flashdisk that fungoid at the rains. .
while file autorun. inf self be certain instruction containing file, whereof automatic run when media likes flashdisk/cd putted into to computer. this instruction can be in the form of command to run file exe.
structure autorun. inf
autorun. inf only shaped text file usually and can be opened with text editor like notepad. there code lines general are met mendalamnya. actually there are some part (key) that can be written at autorun, that is [autorun, [content, [exclusivecontentpaths, [ignorecontentpaths, and [deviceinstall. here only be discussed several structures [autorun, because really this often we see (as complete as it can at read here )
this command automatic will run file exe existing. for example as follows
open=setup. exe (will run file setup. exe that present one merektory with autorun /root merektory)
open=virus\inivirus. exe (will run file inivius. exe exist in virus folder)
to display when appear autoplay dialog.
much the same to by order of open, but can also to besides file exe, belong link website and can augmenting with parameter after file name. example:
shellexecute=http: /ebsoft. web. id
action=kunjungi ebsoft. web. id

to give icon at media that worn (containing autorun. inf). can use file. ico, . exe. etc also. bmp. the example:
icon=myprog. exe, 1
icon=myicon. ico
to give label (name) in media that used (name drive cd-rom or flashdisk containing autorun. inf.
label=flashdisk great

to display when click right drive concerned. example for example next:
shell\menu baru=buka example file
shell\menu-baru\command=notepad" file-contoh. txt"
shell=menu new
with code on, so whenever we shall click right drive- will appear menu “buka file contoh”. if first line is caused so the menu “menu baru”. and when does menu at will click be run notepad with will open file “file-contoh. txt”. so when code line mutual connected. if line 1 care of 3 same used so line 3 be ignored.
furthermore when does facilities autorun at eliminate / at non activate, so program at open and shellexecute will not walk automatically. but label, icon and menu will click permanent right will come up. so that more safe, so we can me-nonaktif facilities autorun this. how to? next the explanation:
various means me-nonaktif facilities autorun at windows
· depress and hold back button shift when do we turn on/put into flashdisk/cd-rom (not walk at windows vista).
· me-nonaktif pass registry
· make use facilities gpedit. msc
me-nonaktif autorun pass registry
1. open registry editor, start menu > run, type regedit
2. open key next: hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\explorer
3. if there key nodrivetypeautorun, so double click and the value contents wrongly one value next:
decimal hexadecimal effect that produced
181 b5 autorun doesn't walk same ekali for all media
149 95 autorun only mobile to cd-rom / dvd-rom
177 b1 autorun only mobile to flash drive (flashdisk and of a kind it)
145 91 autorun mobile for all media
4. if key nodrivetypeautorun there is no so buak by click right, choose new > binary value. then give name nodrivetypeautorun, and the value contents (double click) with value on.
5. step on only berefek at user concerned. so that berefek at all computer users, do same thing to key: hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\explorer\
if still to use win 9x/me so its way a little differ. as complete as it can be read article here . farther about its way can be read also article next: prevent contagious virus passes flashdisk
make use facilities gpedit. msc
this can be done for windows user 2000, server 2003 and windows xp professional, the steps as follows:
1. from start menu > run, type gpedit. msc then click ok.
2. choose computer configuration > administrative template and click system
3. at panel settings, click right turn off autoplay and click properties (at windows 2000, the name menyable autoplay)
4. click enabled then choose all drives at box turn off autoplay for lethal facilities autorun at all drive.
5. click ok, and enclosing window dialog.
6. restart computer.
for windows user vista, its way as follows:
1. from start menu types gpedit. msc at box start search then will press enter (may be at will display command to will put administrator password)
2. at part computer configuration choose administrative templates then choose again windows components click autoplay policies
3. at panel details, double click turn off autoplay
4. click enabled and choose all drives at box turn off autoplay to me-nonaktif autorun at all drive.
5. restart computer.
if manner on not success menon aktf autorun, so possibility necessary download update as according to windows version that used. the detail as follows:
· windows xp sp2 and sp3 (kb950582 )
· server windows 2003 itanium-based systems (kb950582 )
· server windows 2003 x64 edition (kb950582 )
· server windows 2003 (kb950582 )
· windows xp x64 edition (kb950582 )
· windows 2000 (kb950582 )
http: /en. wikipedia. org/wiki/autorun. inf
http: /support. microsoft. com/kb/953252/en-us
http: /www. dailycupoftech. com/usb-drive-autoruninf-tweaking/
http: /msdn. microsoft. com/en-us/library/bb776823. aspx